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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Why there is no such thing as WiFi Internet

Why there is no such thing as WiFi Internet.

You often see requests from people on Facebook and forums from people asking if they can recommend a "wifi company" or a "wifi internet provider" for their area, when in fact there are no such things!

WiFi (or rather the official "Wi-Fi" as per its trademark) and "internet" are two completely separate things.

But is just one example of todays misuse of technical terminology, where the term "WiFi" has become a bit of a catch-all term for internet systems.

(In the same way that many people incorrectly use the term "Freeview" to describe any form of UK TV, when in fact "Freeview" is the system for UK TV via a TV aerial, not a satellite dish!)

There is "WiFi ".

There is "wireless internet".

But there is no "WiFi internet".

Let me explain the huge difference.

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