Sky Atlantic is available on Sky channel 108.
Sky Atlantic is availabel to Sky subscribers only.
Sky Atlantic is available in Spain.
Sky Atlantic is NOT available to Freesat or Freesatfromsky (or Freeview as some satellite instrallers incorrectly call it!)
Sky Atlantic frequency (for Standard definition) is:
Frequency: 12285
Polarisation: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
FEC: 2/3
Sky Atlantic frequency (for high definition) is:
Frequency: 12343
Polarisation: H
Symbol Rate: 29500
FEC: 3/4
Both Sky Atlantic SD and Sky Atlantic HD are on "south beam" satellite footprint, and so shoul dbe available to Sky users in Spain on small satellite dishes. An 80 cm satellite dish should be enough to be able to receive Sky Atlantic in Spain.
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